A Little Pocket-Money & Investment

A Little Pocket-Money & Investment

For the first — or second — post of my personal blog, I'm going to talk about a new investment I made online.

If you're reading this, you probably know about my website, DearSillyBlog, and if you didn't, you know now.
Well, I started selling crack files for Adobe programs, like Photoshop and stuff. I was honestly not expecting anyone to buy them, though some kind souls actually did.

It's been about a week since I set the prices and the sales have already begun, which makes me quite happy about my work.
As for the reason why I'm selling it's pretty easy to explain...

Unless you have a very open mind or have done something for the online community, you know that it takes time and sometimes even money.
In my case it took both of those and considering the amount of people asking me for the crack files, and also the amount of crack files the same person would ask me for, I decided to set prices on them, which obviously wasn't very well accepted by many people.

Kindly enough, I still send the first crack file for free.
And still some people are very ungrateful!

Moving on to the next topic, I decided to open my very own Etsy Shop.
You can visit it here.

I personally don't have any kind of faith about this shop, though I don't lose anything for trying, right? — Maybe I lost $1.40, but that's alright.
Anyway, I'm quite happy about the fact that I'm finally investing online and all the cents coming in my PayPal account are a great joy to me.
Maybe I'm taking this too seriously, though. I shouldn't have too high expectations about it.