Memories of the Past — University, Kasia, Anthony & Myself

Memories of the Past — University, Kasia, Anthony & Myself

 — ranging between 2011 and 2014

Out of the boredom in a van with five men, I was looking out the window onto the landscapes of Austria when it came to me that I could travel back into the memories of these
past three years.

2011 - university life has begun

The first year of university. I didn't really know what to think about it, I just knew it wouldn't be too different from what I was used to during high-school.
I wasn't wrong, in the end; it was actually easier because teachers would miss classes like they didn't even work there and the amount of work wasn't as bad as high-school teachers said it was.
I was expecting the people to be slightly different from the ones I met in high-school, maybe a little more mature, though soon I came to realise that they were actually even worse.
It was a nightmare back then. Had rumours about me spread around like fire in the wind, had my whole class against me because I wouldn't talk about my personal life this is legit and would always end up alone after classes.
Though I kind of started not caring about it anymore since I also came to realise that I didn't need those people in my life at all.

2012 - driver's license & slightly better days

The storm from the previous year had passed and I was finally getting along with a few classmates, though I didn't trust them enough to actually call them my friends; apart from one of them, who kind of grew in my consideration if she hadn't crossed the line one day.
The course was going great and I wasn't worried about anything. It all got even better on June 24th when I got my driver's license and I already had my own car waiting for me at home.
Although everything was much better than before, it still wasn't perfect.
My "group of friends" was getting smaller everyday and surprisingly for many people, it made me happier than ever.
Much more happened this year, though it's nothing worth mentioning; also because it's nothing to be shared in a blog that's visited for quite a lot of people.

2013 - new people, new life

The realisation of that some people are better off out of your life even though all you want is that they're next to you came to me in such force that kind of shut off from everything regarding university and hang-outs.
New Year's Eve, as always, was the turning point of everything, including my own happiness. A simple wish of finding someone who made me happy turned out to be true in as few time as 29 days when I met Kasia, my best-friend and soulmate.
She gave me everything I was seeking throughout these years and she's everything I ever wished for in a friend, a real friend.
Guess the Universe was kind to me and after bringing me my best-friend, it also threw on my way my now fiancé, Anthony.
I already considered myself lucky when I met Kasia, but having Tony along too made me feel the luckiest woman in the whole Universe. Happiness was something quite rare in my life before them, though now I couldn't be better.

2014 - new beginnings

University became a place that I want to avoid at all costs by now.
The decision of changing courses became definite and I'm moving to Translation in September.
Kasia and I are still best-friends and our friendship seems to be growing stronger with every minute we spend talking to each other — basically all day and night.
Tony and I are planning a life together and everything's running smoothly, settling down officially in June this year. The plans go much further than that, though I'm not saying anything else about this here.
My website is finally paying off and in less than a month I managed to make my first 100€ with it. I couldn't be happier and it's actually giving me enough confidence to keep going forward with it but, as everything in life, there are ups and downs.
As I just said, things aren't always good and 2014 has brought me some laughter even though not for the best reasons. However, and even though the people involved in these "problems" want me to, I'm not caring about it because, truth be said, I just don't care about what people say behind a screen since the only thing they can do is caps-locking me to death, which doesn't affect me in the slightest. Bless delete buttons and close buttons.

I'm listening to: The Grace of Undómiel