To Everyone Who Remembered My Birthday: Thank You!

To Everyone Who Remembered My Birthday: Thank You!

Decided to write a special post to say thanks to everyone who remembered my birthday and to those who were reminded of it by Facebook.

My 21st birthday..

Another year has passed and I'm now 21.
This year has been the craziest yet. Shit has happened, though the good stuff overcomes it all in the end. Truth be told, there wasn't a year in which I was happier than this year.


A big thank you to everyone who gave me their birthday wishes, whether they knew it was my birthday or because they saw it on Facebook. Also, a special thanks to @wordswithsoul who wished me happy birthday on Twitter, it really surprised me and brightened my day a lot.

The most special thank you goes to my best friend, Kasia, who despite of everything that happened still remains by my side, as faithful as she's ever been. I hope that one day I can return everything that you do and have done for me.

Another special thanks to Annie who's been by my side for these long eight years, taking my mood swings and never leaving me behind when I needed someone the most. Also thank you for going to the movies with me on my birthday.

Also, a big thank you to Gonçalo who gave me the most unexpected and sweetest present I could think of and who's given me such great moments despite of everything.

Thank you to all my classmates who are fucking awesome. This is the best class I've ever had in my whole life and I hope it stays like this for these three years.

Thanks to all my family who've been there for me throughout these twenty-one years of life, holding my hand and helping me get back up on my feet whenever I fell down.

And even though most of these people are probably not gonna read this, and because we never know when it's our last chance to tell someone that we love them: I love you all, for all the big and small things you've done, willingly or not. Every single one of you has contributed to my happiness, some more than others, some longer than others, but all of you did.

Thank you!