Fried Day #5 - Adobe Cracks, Epipipilators & Other Things

Fried Day #5 - Adobe Cracks, Epipipilators & Other Things

Been kinda away from this blog lately — and from the other one too — but I noticed today is Friday so why not update this thing a little for a change?

The News

  • Adobe Cracks: Probably everyone already noticed it but I took down the Adobe cracks I was sharing for undetermined time, but it doesn't mean that I'm not bringing them back again. In fact, I am going to bring them back sooner or later, I just have no clue as to when that will happen. Why did I take them down? You ask. Many reasons, to be honest, but I can tell you that I just have no time to get new cracks done and the amount of questions I was getting about them was kinda bothering me already. The down side: I deleted the posts of the cracks which I regret greatly lol, this means that I'll have to write the tutorials again and they won't have any comments on them, which sucks a lot but life goes on.

  • Epipipipilator... For some reason I'll never get over the name of this thing but yeah, I bought an epilator two days ago and I must say that I'm loving it. Mine looks exactly like this one but I was too lazy to upload a photo myself and Google is always such a great friend. Well, the only "con" about it is really the discomfort of using it since it's literally over twenty tweezers ripping your hair off at the same time but apart from that it's definitely worth it.

  • University sh#$@t... Yeah, so, last week — or two weeks ago??? I'm awful with time — I "signed up" for my new degree. Now I have to wait till September 5 to know whether I was accepted or not, you feel the pain? There's only one damn place and I either take it or I don't so this is way too much pressure on me and I'm abOUT TO FREAK OUT, I'm fine, ok.

  • Things about Tony. He created a Facebook account, which probably means the end of the world is near. Also, he's still an idiot. *kiss for him*

  • Cinema. That awesome Hercules movie or whatever was released yesterday and I was right next to the cinema but my awesome mind forgot about it so yeah... I'm sad. I wanna watch it so bad, nobody understands. WHY?! Because Greek mythology starring Dwayne and Irina, that's why.