Review: Veet Hair Removal Cream — Is It Worth it?

Review: Veet Hair Removal Cream — Is It Worth it?

Last time I wrote a post about how to have smooth legs with no waxing, no shaving and no hair removal cream, which is indeed a method that does work but it can be quite uncomfortable since it's takes a while to do and if you're not careful enough you can get a rash on your skin.
Anyway, I've been testing out Veet Hair Removal Cream for a while now and I thought about writing a review about it.

What is Veet Hair Removal Cream?

Well, as the name says, it's a cream that removes hair. This cream is made of chemicals that target the hair, dissolving the root to allow you to wipe them off easily without hurting your skin like it happens when you wax and shave — razor bumps and ingrown hairs [what's the difference?].

How does it work?

As I mentioned above, the cream is made of chemicals that target the hair and dissolve the root and its body, making their removal easy without damage to the skin*.

Depending on what kind of cream you're using regular, pump or spray you only have to spread the cream on your skin and let it rest for a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes.
* It's advised that you do not exceed 10 minutes or your skin can get burned. There is one particular substance in the cream that was especially designed to target the hairs, though it also targets the skin since both hair and skin share the same component, though in different amounts.

To know when you can remove the cream, you can simply grab tweezers and try removing one or two hairs. If they come out easily without you feeling it, you can remove the cream.
You can also remove the cream using the spatula on a small part of your skin and remove everything depending on how easily they came off.

By personal experience, I recommend you to leave the cream on for 10 minutes on your bikini area since the hair here tends to be thicker and coarser than on any other area of your body.
For your legs, I'd say that 6 minutes is enough.
Note: You have to test this yourself, obviously. This is only an opinion of mine based on my experience with it.


  • Moisturises the skin, leaving it smooth and glowing.
  • Doesn't cause razor bumps nor ingrown hairs.
  • No need for professional experience.
  • Cheap.
  • You can buy it at any drugstore.
  • Quick.
  • It softens the hair and lessens the growth due to the chemicals destroying the roots if used regularly.


  • It's messy if you're not careful.
  • The chemicals' smell may be uncomfortable but it's nothing too strong.
  • If you leave the cream on for too long, your skin can get burned.
  • On the other hand, if you don't leave it on long enough, it may not work as expected.
  • At the beginning, the hair will grow back in 2-3 days, though it slows down and lessens in amount as you keep using the cream throughout time.

So... Is it worth it?

In the end it comes down to your own opinion.
I think it's totally worth it, having got tired of ingrown hairs especially on my bikini line because of waxing and not having the patience to shave every day because of how fast hair grows back when I do.
I've been using Veet Hair Removal Cream for a while now and I can tell the differences already. It's definitely the best shot to get a smooth and hairless bikini area with no ingrown hairs and razor bumps; it also does wonders on my legs, leaving the skin smooth and glowing, plus weakening the hair to make it grow softer, less and slower.