Smooth Legs: No Waxing, No Shaving, No Hair Removal Cream

Smooth Legs: No Waxing, No Shaving, No Hair Removal Cream

This is totally a new topic around here in my personal blog but since it's a personal blog, I thought I could share this with some people. Obviously, this is an exclusively female post, unless some guys are looking for a way to have smooth skin effortlessly.

As a very complexed girl, I spend quite a long time looking for body-care solutions. Lately I've been struggling with my leg hair and skin, so yesterday I came across an idea that I decided to give a try at.

What you will need:

How it's done:

  • Step 1: Cover the area you want to remove the hair from with the cream or whatever you're using. Just remember it must be greasy and thick. I personally use hair conditioner because it's supposed to make the hair softer and it's thick enough not to hurt the skin.

  • Step 2: Get the pumice stone and start scrubbing your skin in circular motion. Make sure you make at least 15 small movements clockwise and to the opposite direction.
Be careful not to hurt your skin. Don't make too much pressure with the stone and take the time you need to avoid any damage.

  • Step 3: Rinse your skin with water once you're done. Use hydrating cream after you're done if you want. I personally use Bepanthen cream, since it's exactly to heal rashes and stuff like that.

The results:

It obviously depends on how we do it.
My results were great, honestly. I only tried it once and my skin is super smooth, even though there are still some stray hairs.

  • Does it remove the hair completely? Not at the first time.
  • How many time do I have to do it? Doing it every day is recommended for a better result, but it's up to you to decide that.
  • Are the results long-lasting? Yes. If you do it for at least twenty days straight, you'll eventually be with no hair and then it will grow back thinner, fewer and slower. After some time doing this, the hair will stop growing.