Fried Day #4 — A Lot Happens in a Week

Fried Day #4 — A Lot Happens in a Week

The last Fried Day post was seven days ago and it feels like a month from all that happened this week. I should really think of something else to post here, though; this is useless.

This week's summary...

  • Portugal's out! Can't say I'm surprised lol. I never believed in our national team from the day I knew they were going to the World Cup. Even though we have "the best football player in the world", it doesn't make us any better; obviously not forgetting the fact that Cristiano doesn't do shit in the national team, but well... it's not me who's paid millions to run after a ball anyway, so why would I care.
  • French exams. Yeah, my week started off quite well — no, I'm not kidding — with two French exams on Monday. Both of them went great and I'm hell nervous to know my grades since I studied 12 hours during the weekend of these exams. I never studied this much in my entire life.
  • NO MORE UNIVERSITY for now. Even though my first degree has finished, I'm still wanting to take another one. Hopefully I'll get into it this year in September.
  • Cracking again yehhh... Even though Adobe updated all their programs, I managed to be cracking them again. So far I only have two CC 2014 cracks for Mac and two cracks for Windows but it's going well, I guess.
  • Still, the cracks piss me off. Not the cracks, but the people who request them. Instead of reading my blog for the information about what they're looking for, they just assume I'm some kind of genie that wish things into reality so they go all requesting a bunch of cracks I'm not even close to having lol. Please, don't.
  • I'm back on Facebook. There's nothing exciting about this. I don't like Facebook and I think it's a waste of time, but I did bring my account back only for family purposes since my mom doesn't live with me.

There's probably more to be said about this week but I'm not really remembering what right now. It doesn't matter either.