Fried Day #3 — Oh, Them French Classes...

Fried Day #3 — Oh, Them French Classes...

This is gonna sound more like a damn confession where my laptop is the priest and nobody's around to listen to me — and good, because ???? — but well... who cares?

This Week's Babbling & all...

So, I have this new French teacher and for the third time in these three years of university I have a male teacher. A dude. A man. Some eye candy. And hell... lol help?
I'm actually starting to shake right now, don't ask me why because I'm definitely not saying I have a fucking crush on my French teacher or anything loLOLOL... ok.

Well, yes. Good side of this is that today was the last class and the exams are on Monday so I won't ever see him again. Plus the dude is married and has a daughter — UGH, ok.
The guy is really adorable and he's a great teacher as well. I don't really like french but he can actually make me want to go to those classes *cries because they're over*.

  • Tony's got a new job and I'm lovin' it.
Yep, we got a "promotion" and it's awesome. My adorable Tony's got a new job and he's now bossing people around, which makes it even better. I get to help him out with the stuff he has to do too so I'm not completely out of "his thing" but well, can't say that I can do it since I don't speak Russian. But I'll learn it eventually.

  • New stuff in my wardrobe!
Awesome online shopping is awesome, especially when you place an order and it's delivered two days later. My new clothes were in Barcelona yesterday and they were delivered this morning, letting me show off my new garments in French class with that fucking teacher who makes me just want to squeeze his ass. Goddamn it.

  • World Cup game on Sunday & exams on Monday.
Yeah, not really sure how I'm gonna do this but well, it's gotta be done.
Portugal plays against the USA on Sunday at 11pm and I have to get up on Monday at 6:30am because I have two French exams lol.
Sacrifices must be made and there's no damn way I'm missing that game. Which we're gonna lose because Cristiano doesn't ever do anything for the national team. :)))))) .l.

  • F*ck you, Adobe, and your updates...
Adobe pissed me off because they released a new version of their products and my cracks don't work with it anymore. It's not like I care about it since I don't usually update these programs but it sucks to have outdated content in your blog when you write posts about a certain matter... plus the fact you're not exactly able to update it in a short period of time because it, well, takes time.

Well, and that's all for this week. Not that anybody cares about what I have to say but meh.
G-g-good day/night/evening/whatever.