Fried Day #2 - Fine, It's Not Friday, so What?

Fried Day #2 - Fine, It's Not Friday, so What?

Good thing about Fried Day is that I don't exactly have to post this on Fridays but it would be nice if I did. Anyway... It's been like two weeks since the last Fried Day post and yet so much happened.

This week's summary...

  • DearSillyBlog's going down. Don't take it the wrong way, though; I'm not deleting my blog. What I mean is that my blog's traffic is going down at lightspeed which saddens me a lot but well... nothing lasts forever and the important is that my blog is still sought by lots of people. :)
  • French classes... yes or not? I had this teacher — been her student for three years, but this year was the first time that she "taught" me French — who's been missing all classes since February, meaning that we know sh*t so far and the year's ending already. Well, the university's management finally "fired" her and we have a new teacher: he's really damn cute! The dude's familiar with the city where my mom's living in Switzerland now and he's really adorable. We have one month to learn everything we should have learned since February so you might imagine how fucked up we are :) all thanks to the laziness of one stupid teacher.
  • Switzerland people again. My godparents went back to Switzerland today, though my mom's not visiting till September, which sucks a little but we got used to it already.
  • Promotion! Tony's getting a promotion and — yaay — I'm going to work as his assistant/secretary. I'm really excited about it for many reeeaaasonssss and yeah... Tomorrow we're both going to meet a few guys who he's gotta talk to first about it and then we'll see how it goes but I know he's gonna do it just fine.
  • Only one week left... and I'm finally free from all the university crap, at least for another three months. Hopefully I can get into the other course I want lol, I'll be devastated if I don't. Sigh...
  • Arwen Viktoria. My tiny little starkberry, oh.
  • iPhone 5S Gold. I finally upgraded from my old iPhone 4S to the new iPhone 5S and how damn lucky was I when I got to the store and was told that they only had one Gold left lol it made my day, especially when that day I couldn't eat anything because I'd run straight to throw it all up.
  • Yes, I got sick. I don't know how it happened, but it did. Over ten years after the last time I puked, it happened again. I couldn't eat anything else but cookies and tea for one whole day and I just wanted to die, but it's ok. I made it through just fine, even though nobody was home, and I gotta thank my bestie Kasia for supporting me so much that day since getting sick is something that rarely happens to me lol. I was panicking and she held my hand through iMessages.
  • THE FREAKING WORLD CUP HAS STARTED, Y'ALL. I'm sorry, I just get really emotional whenever these things happen. I'm hell excited about the World Cup and I can't wait for Monday's match against Germany. Shame is that we have the "best football player in the world" and I can't see shit being done like he does in Real Madrid lol, ok then. I like Cristiano, I really do, but I think he doesn't do shit in the national team, ugh. Anyway, I've got no faith at all in our team but we'll see how far they'll go. Still cheering for them anyway, and for Switzerland too. u_u

I think that's all?
I can't even remember what else happened but I guess it's not important anyway.