10 Wishes For 2015

10 Wishes For 2015

The new year came over without even knocking the door and after listing 30 things I'm thankful for in 2014, I decided to list 10 wishes for 2015.

Just like the other list, this post doesn't have any particular order. These wishes are also some of things I would like to happen this year or that I would like to have/achieve.

My wishes are...

  • 1. Have Kasia to visit me during the Summer break.
  • 2. Keep the motivation for working out after two months with no exercising.
  • 3. Do a good job at the congress I'm going to interpret.
  • 4. Buy the iPhone 6 Plus.
  • 5. Keep as healthy as I am and can be.
  • 6. Finally manage to learn something that Tony teaches me and stop being scared of doing it.
  • 7. Have life in other planets proved and confirmed.
  • 8. See the first pictures of Pluto.
  • 9. Have a good relationship with my classmates.
  • 10. Health, love and money to my whole family because everyone needs that.