Cutie Tuesdays: Mr. & Mrs. S, University and IKEA.

Cutie Tuesdays: Mr. & Mrs. S, University and IKEA.

It's not that anyone actually cares about what I write here but well... at least I spend time while Kasia studies for her exams.
And this is how my week is going to be...

Family reunited.

My mom came to visit us from Switzerland on Saturday and so we're all together now till she leaves again. I gotta say that it kind of sucks to be away from mom but it's for the best of everyone; Switzerland is probably the best country I've ever seen and this way I can be sort of sure I'm going to have a good life there after I have my second degree.

Busy week sucks...

Yeah, so, mom being around means lots of things to do.
Fortunately today and tomorrow I've nothing to do because we managed to get two things done yesterday but still I feel like I'm always in a rush and I hate it.

University stuff — aka stress.

Thanks to my idiocy three years ago and not listening to my own heart, I made the mistake of getting into Management & PR in university; I'm graduating this year and I completely regret these last years I spent in this course but well, it's never bad to know a little more. Either way, I'm planning to get a new degree since I'm still young — only 20 years old and I already graduated from university lol.
This is kind of stressing me out because there are some things that need to be taken care of and those things are kinda destroying my confidence in being accepted. We'll see how it goes...

Money, money.

Started earning money by myself in April 16, it's been one month already and I'm happy to know that my small efforts already paid off more than 200€. Feels good to make money doing something I like and knowing that I'm not even in the employment world yet.

French classes — what is that?!

Supposedly I should have French classes on Tuesdays afternoon but well, that teacher just loves to kill people and send them to the hospital. This week's victim was her grandmother. And no, nobody believes her excuses anymore; missing classes every week and postponing exams without warning students all the time and doing all this throughout decades is just not acceptable and nobody buys her excuses anymore.
Since her "grandmother died" today, I don't have French class again and we still didn't make the first exam, which was supposed to be done a month ago and was already postponed twice. :)

The lifeless people of the West.

This kind of sounded something coming right out of LOTR but well, lol, the "title" says it all. Some people just get to me I wonder how it's possible to be so lifeless and yet claim to have a life. I just don't know, but well... nor do I care. It just amuses me a lot.

Italy, IKEA & wedding plans.

Things with Tony are going so well now that I refuse myself from believing this all is actually happening. Over the last year we've been changing our lives drastically and right now we already have a cozy place in Italy. IKEA instruction booklets are everywhere in that house and I can't help laughing at Tony's face whenever he tries to understand the schemes.
And everything's sort of ready for June 7. I really can't wait.

New gadgets... maybe.

I was trying to get to buy my new camera today but well, plans changed back to what they originally were and I'm only buying it on Thursday. Kind of mad about this but it's ok.