Cutie Tuesdays: New Accounts, Design & Improvement

Cutie Tuesdays: New Accounts, Design & Improvement

I missed one Cutie Tuesdays day so I have to make it up today. Many things happened these last two weeks and I'm going to share all of it today!

New Accounts

I've been seeing lots of people using Pinterest lately so I decided to give it a try. I created my account only about three days ago. I'm not using it that much yet because I'm still a newbie around there but I'm sharing my new dearSillyblog posts there.


The work with dearSillyblog is getting better every day. People are spreading the word about it and I've been receiving great feedback from my readers lately. Unfortunately, about a week ago or not even that much, I had the sad idea of changing the template... well, it costed me over 2 000 visitors so I decided to change back to the template I had before and make some changes on it.

The first change was the buttons. I finally created buttons that have a depth effect when hovered and I love them! Had tons of works because of those little things...

The images are now pinable to make it easier to share my posts! I really like how the Pinterest icon only shows up when the cursor is on the image.

All posts now have ShareThis buttons for readers to share them on different social-networks. It's really useful too, just like the Pin-It button.

I also redesigned the pages! Overall, my blog has a new look even though it's familiar for those who visit it regularly.


With all the designing and changes I made with my blog, plus the constant interaction with my readers made me improve a lot the approach I had towards my blog and the visitors. All the designing taught me new things, new codes and new solutions for my HTML/CSS problems and I couldn't be happier about it. I feel like with every day I'm getting more able to create my own codes and have more freedom with what I wanna do with my blog when it comes to making it pretty. :)

I'm listening to: Tortured Heart - Gothic Storm