My New Record & My Secret to Successful Blogging

My New Record & My Secret to Successful Blogging

If you're reading this and if you know a little about my blogging history, then you know I own and run dearSillyblog

Obviously, DSB is far from being a well-known blog throughout the world, but it's not as small as it used to be four months ago. Yes, I didn't want to believe it when I noticed that my blog was growing so fast in so few time but it actually happened — and I'm going to tell you my secret!

The Record

What I want to highlight today, and what makes me the proudest, is the fact that DSB broke its own record of daily visitors yesterday!

My main blog went past 6 200 visitors only yesterday — this image was taken past midnight but this morning the pageviews were over 6 400 — and I didn't want to believe it when I saw it; it's 2 000 more visitors than the day before!! This obviously doesn't happen just because; I know the reason why the traffic is boosting so fast and I'm really happy about it because I finally see my efforts paying off — in more than one way!

The All-Time Statistics

Since I'm already talking about this, why not share a little of the All-Time stats?
The graph above simply shows the progress through the month of April and the beginning of May, though the statistics of dearSillyblog since the moment it first came online are much more interesting!

The posts

My most popular post is by far the tutorial on how to change the AppStore language on iPhone and iPad with nearly 100 000 views since April 2012, while the second most popular post is relatively new — from February of this year — and already has more than 65 000 views and it teaches you how to crack Photoshop CC for Mac.

The referring sites

In case you don't know, referring sites are those sites that lead people to your page. In DSB's case, is the number referring site, having sent readers to my blog over 100 000 times. As you can see by the image below, other extensions of Google also drive traffic to my blog, making this search engine my best help on spreading my blog around. 

The audience

Having on average 3 000 visitors/day means that some countries are more active than others on my blog. Let's have a look at the map...

As you can see, the United States are by far the most active country visiting my blog since the day it came online with over 210 000 visits. This has two main reasons to happen: my blog's language and its content. This map makes me really happy because I remember that when I first started dearSillyblog, my main goal was to take it to the United States — and today it's the country that visits it the most!

Finally... my secret!

If you're still reading this and are curious to know how I managed to attract people from all over the world to my blog and have over 6000 daily visits, have a look at my Guide to Have a Successful Blog where you will find tips and advice to effectively boost your blog's traffic and popularity. :)