Fried Day #1 - The Beginning

Fried Day #1 - The Beginning

Today was a day of change and the beginning of a new thing here in my personal blog, called Fried Day. Let's summarise things now.

What is Fried Day?

Well, it's nothing more than a summary of my week. I'll be doing this every Friday though, whether or not it will ever interest you, is not up to me. But I still hope you drop by and read a few more personal things I write apart from all the tutorials and Adobe cracks.
In case you're curious, here's how Fried Day was born...

This week's summary...

  • Personal blog. I opened my personal blog to the public again. Get to know more about this here.
  • I have a new camera! Well, this is not really from this week, it's actually from two weeks ago; but yes, I have a new Canon EOS 600D and I love it.
  • One week left for the big day! The so-awaited June 7th is one week away and I couldn't be more excited about it. I still think I'll faint though. It doesn't matter anyway...
  • 1 year & 4 months anniversary. This week was also the day when Kasia and I completed one year and four months since we met. I couldn't be happier; she's just the best best-friend I've ever had even though it's not been too long yet.
  • Changes on Dear Silly Blog. These changes aren't that big but they're still changes. I tried all I could to make my blog a little more organised within Blogger's platform and I think I actually managed to do it pretty well.
  • My design skills are obviously improved and I can tell that very well. I'm really proud of myself and I'm damn thankful for the patience I have and also for the support my best friend gives me all the time. ♡
  • Switzerland people are invading my house. Just kidding... My mom came from Switzerland two weeks ago and is already gone, while my godparents are coming here on Sunday to stay for two weeks. Kind of sucks, the emigrants life, but it's great in a way because we all get to travel a lot and visit awesome countries such as our own.
  • Finally got rid of stupid people? Nah, I can't exactly get rid of that because they're everywhere but I did get rid of the stupidest ones I came across this year and, damn, am I not feeling lighter already...

I think that's all for now. I'm not writing anything else though because — apart from Kasia — who's even going to read this? lol.
Still if you indeed are reading this, thank you! :)

I'm listening to: Brotherhood - John Dreamer